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Coronavirus Update Pakistan COVID Live Map

COVID-19 Coronavirus Outbreak

Last updated:

Cases - Deaths - Countries - Death Rate - Incubation - Age - Symptoms - Opinions - News
Map - Prevention - Symptoms - Protection - Pakistan

Total Coronavirus Cases






Currently Infected Patients
0 (0%)
in Mild Condition
0 (0%)
Serious or Critical
Cases which had an outcome
0 (0%)
Recovered / Discharged
0 (0%)
Coronavirus Map
Tot Cases/
1M pop
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Highlighted in green
= all cases have recovered from the infection

Highlighted in grey
= all cases have had an outcome (there are no active cases)

Coronavirus Map Live

Preventive Initiatives
What is Coronavirus?
  1. 2019 Novel Coronavirus is a virus, which spreads through respiratory illness caused by people and this disease was first identified in Wuhan, China.
  2. In the beginning, the patients in outbreak in Wuhan, China, were reportedly have some connections with large seafood and animal market and it was suggested that this disease is caused by animal-to-person spread.
  3. Gradually, the increasing number of patients reportedly has no link with animal market and it was assumed that this disease has person-to-person spread.
Symptoms of Coronavirus
  1. Temperature
  2. Cough
  3. Shortness of breath
  4. Symptoms having flu
  5. After getting sick by this disease, some symptoms of this disease may develop within 2 to 14 days. If you have been in a country, which has been affected by Coronavirus and you have noted some symptoms, report to your doctor at once.
Protecting Yourself from Coronavirus
  1. After coming from outside or from washroom, wash your hands for some time
  2. If your hands are dirty or spoiled, avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth
  3. Do not contact closely the sick people
  4. If you are sick, do not go out
  5. When you cough or sneeze, cover your mouth
  6. Avoid visiting to Coronavirus affected countries
  7. Use face mask to cover your mouth
After Returning from Affected countries, Steps I need to take
  1. After returning from affected countries, watch deeply your health for 14 days
  2. If you feel fever, cough or experiencing difficulty in taking breath, seek medical care at once
  3. Share the symptoms or recent travel to affected country with your doctor
  4. Your doctor will give necessary instructions about the steps to be taken before visiting to hospital
  5. Avoid traveling again if you are sick
Important Points regarding traveling to affected countries
CDC recommends that travelers do not travel to affected countries un-essentially.
  1. You should be aware of health issues in affected countries, where you have to go and know the steps to ensure your protection.
  2. You should not visit the affected countries unnecessarily.

Coronavirus Cases in Pakistan

  1. Karachi, Sindh
  2. Hyderabad, Sindh
  3. Islamabad, Federal
  4. Rawalpindi, Punjab
  5. Quetta, Balochistan
  6. Gilgit, KPK
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